Friday, October 30, 2009

Oregon Technology Standards and Requirements

1. What are these standards trying to accomplish?

NETS*S: There are six standards for students that this program focuses on: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Communication and Collaboration 3. Research and Information Fluency 4. Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making 5. Digital Citizenship 6. Technology Operations and Concepts
-Each standard guides the student in becoming more educated about technology

NETS*T: (Supporting Digital Learners) Helps provide a framework for educators to use as they transition schools from the Industrial Age to a Digital Age place of learning.

OETS: There are three parts to the OETS. First, there are the six standards that are in the
NETS*S. Second, there is a chart of the Alignment of the OETS to the 2007 NETS*S and
the ODES that could be addressed using OETS. Finally, there is a list of the nine OR
Diploma: Essential Skills. This includes 1. Read and comprehend a variety of text and 2.
Write clearly and accurately.

2. Strategies for a fourth grade class. Relate to a standard.

A.Communication and Collaboration Interact and collaborate with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. As a future art teacher I would love to use SKYPE as a way to bring in a famous artist into the classroom. SKYPE also allows the artist to use white board in real-time. It would be great if the artist could demonstrate art techniques to my students.

B.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation. I can create an activity that would depend on finding information on different kid friendly sites. These sites could help the students expand their knowledge on art and artists.

3. The digital divide. Many students will have access to computers at home and are familiar with technology, and other students will can lag behind because they do not have these resources. Technology is a luxury item to many people.

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